Audit of USAID/Colombia's Access to Justice Program
USAID/Colombia implement a plan to establish targets that are ambitious, yet realistic.
USAID/Colombia establish a plan for conducting training on inventory control, branding, and marking with the upcoming justice program.
USAID/Colombia require the implementing partner to implement a customized security plan that is tailored to the working conditions in conflict regions.
USAID/Colombia require the implementing partner to submit for USAID approval a budget for security-related personnel and equipment needed for the upcoming justice program.
USAID/Colombia obtain the Regional Security Office's input on the customized security plan for the upcoming justice program.
USAID/Colombia require the implementing partner to develop a comprehensive budget for regional offices under the upcoming justice program.
USAID/Colombia require the implementing partner to implement a comprehensive staffing plan for the upcoming justice program that takes into consideration the following factors: (1) number of regional personnel, (2) retention of personnel, and (3) employment contracts that comply with the evolving Colombian labor laws.
USAID/Colombia clearly describe its intentions and expectations regarding the scope and priorities of focus areas for the upcoming justice program.
USAID/Colombia reduce the number of indicators for the upcoming justice program and verify that they meet USAID's quality standards.
USAID/Colombia determine and document which USAID-funded assets under its justice activities are unmarked and mark them, with special attention to the Medellin victim assistance center, where the mission should also confirm that the center's staff documents the delivery of donated equipment and verifies that all the donated items are being used as intended.