Review of USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia’s Coral Triangle Support Partnership
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to implement performance indicators that measure results of activities related to each of the partnership's four objectives.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia formally require that the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer incorporate and document the discussion of developing alternative livelihoods into future workshops hosted by the partnership.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to clarify and document the partnership's public-private partnership objective and the roles and responsibilities of partners in achieving it.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia issue written guidance to the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer on how to inform beneficiaries of USAID's sponsorship of the partnership.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia implement a plan for monitoring-and documenting the monitoring-the execution of the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's branding strategy and marking plan by the partnership's prime implementer.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to use local languages for branding in activity sites to increase recognition within communities.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to assess the tangible achievements toward each of the partnership's four objectives and document the results.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia share the documented results of this assessment with key government stakeholders in the six governments in the Coral Triangle to help gain their support.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to implement improved policies and procedures to validate reported accomplishments.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to clarify in writing indicator measurements and definitions.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia implement procedures to require data quality assessments to (1) evaluate an implementing partner's data collection, maintenance, and processing procedures and (2) determine the accuracy and consistency of the data through substantive testing.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to expand the data collected for reported accomplishments. This could be done through a standard template with fields for the specific location of activities, the number of participants by type, and what objective could be achieved through each event. This information should be used to modify the database so the implementer can keep better track of progress for future work.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia work with the Coral Triangle Support Partnership's prime implementer to include only intended beneficiaries in formal reporting to USAID. Other training participants, such as consortium members and students, should be tracked separately.
USAID/Regional Development Mission for Asia to require the Coral Triangle Support Partnership to issue written guidelines on how to integrate alternative livelihoods into activities involving marine protected areas, fisheries, and climate change adaptation. These guidelines would be available as a part of the Coral Triangle Initiative tool kit for related efforts in the future.