Audit of USAID/Jordan's Design For Sustainability In Its Water Resources Program
USAID/Jordan review and revise its water strategy to determine whether the mission could achieve greater success by reprogramming funds to priority projects, and document the resultant revisions.
USAID/Jordan implement a plan to revise the cash transfer and conditions precedent program to better leverage sustainable development results.
USAID/Jordan review water resource and environment projects that may address the use of water by Jordan's agriculture sector and document mission decisions to include or exclude projects from the mission's portfolio.
USAID/Jordan review its water projects and document decisions to support water projects that do not have Government of Jordan commitment.
USAID/Jordan develop and implement a performance management plan to track achievement of the water resources assistance objective.
USAID/Jordan submit a written request to USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance to provide training to mission employees on the Contractor Performance Assessment Reporting System and establish and implement a plan to train employees.
USAID/Jordan's regional contracting office and contracting officer's technical representatives implement a plan to complete the required contractor performance reports.