Audit of USAID/Morocco's Economic Competitiveness Project
USAID/Morocco develop a plan to address the concerns with the task order and revise the task order accordingly.
USAID/Morocco develop and approve indicators and revise targets in its performance management plan.
USAID/Morocco, in conjunction with DAI/Nathan Group, establish an approved set of indicators and update targets in the Morocco Economic Competitiveness Project's performance management plan and verify that it aligns with USAID's performance management plan.
USAID/Morocco reperform and document data quality assessments for economic growth indicators.
USAID/Morocco work with DAI/Nathan Group to develop a mutually agreed-upon schedule of activities to be completed for the remainder of the project and revise the work plan accordingly.
USAID/Morocco work with DAI/Nathan Group to establish a plan to ensure that relevant, effective, and high-quality training sessions are provided to beneficiaries.
USAID/Morocco work with DAI/Nathan Group to establish and implement a plan with concrete actions and deadlines to include women and youth in project activities as intended in the Morocco Economic Competitiveness Project, or remove this focus from the task order.
USAID/Morocco work with DAI/Nathan Group to develop and implement a plan to improve cooperation in a way that more closely reflects the intent of the project.
USAID/Morocco approve DAI/Nathan Group's work plans and quarterly reports, and document site visits using the standard reporting template.
USAID/Morocco establish a plan to formally
communicate activity approvals or disapprovals to DAI/Nathan Group in writing, and if applicable, explain reasons for disapproving activities.
USAID/Morocco require DAI/Nathan Group to formally document problems and challenges in its monthly and quarterly reports.
USAID/Morocco require DAI/Nathan Group to develop a plan to involve regional coordinators in and inform them of all activities in the regions.