Audit of USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo's HIV/AIDS Program
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require Population Services International to develop and
implement a plan (including a contingency plan) to ensure that orders for health program commodities are placed, monitored, and received
on time.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require Population Services International to revise the work plan, adjusting the targets and the budget to reflect the late start and the current circumstances.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require PATH to modify all agreements with local partners to specify the amount of funding and performance expectations.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require PATH to resolve the issue of nonpayment of salaries and other operating expenses to local partners
for services rendered and provide the mission with documentation supporting the resolution of this issue.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo develop and implement a plan to provide greater financial oversight of PATH's project activities and require
PATH to do the same.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo revise the operational plan and targets to reflect setbacks caused by procurement problems.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo require PATH to submit for approval a revised budget that covers procurement of commodities and aligns with the revised operational plan and targets.
USAID/Democratic Republic of Congo establish and implement a monitoring plan that includes frequent site visits.