Audit of USAID/Bolivia's Integrated Food Security Program
USAID/Bolivia determine how the remaining budget for the grants and subcontracts can be best used to effectively implement project activities needed to achieve intended goals.
USAID/Bolivia review Abt Associates, Inc. subcontracts related to cost-sharing activities to determine whether subcontractors are overcompensated through subcontract work that is duplicated by work or cash provided by the community cost share.
USAID/Bolivia ensure that Abt Associates, Inc. provides a monitoring plan to ensure that comunity cost-sharing contributions are not abused.
USAID's Office of Acquisition and Assistance contract with the Defense Contract Audit Agency to conduct an audit to determine the adequacy of the Abt Associates, Inc. accounting system.
USAID/Bolivia Office of Acquisition and Assistance determine the allowability of and collect as appropriate, the questioned fixed fee provided in Modification No. 1 to the contract, in the amount of $143,395.
USAID/Bolivia evaluate the Integrated Food Security Program's obligations and deobligate funds exceeding amounts required by the program.
USAID/Bolivia update the Integrated Food Security Program performance management plan to clearly identify the outcome indicators that will measure achievement of the program goal.
USAID/Bolivia update the Integrated Food Security Program performance management plan to include definitions for each performance indicator including the source, method, frequency, and schedule of data collection.
USAID/Bolivia evaluate indicators for earmarked funds for the Integrated Food Security Program and ensure that the indicators are in accordance with the mission strategy and reporting requirements.
USAID/Bolivia ensure that an audit of the Center for Promotion of Sustainable Technologies is conducted by fiscal year end to ensure the separation of the funds for the separate awards.
USAID/Bolivia take steps to enter into a binding agreement with the Center for Promotion of Sustainable Technologies to receive the nontransferable, irrevocable, and paid-up license for equipment and pesticide developed under the USAID awards.
USAID/Bolivia evaluate whether or not the existing quinoa pesticide could be utilized in the program and if not, obtain an opinion from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for the use of the newly developed pesticide.