Audit of USAID/Vietnam's Social Marketing Prevention and Supportive Services Program
USAID/Vietnam work with the contractor to develop and approve a monitoring and evaluation plan, which would include output, outcome, and impact indicators directly attributable to the program's efforts. The plan should include baseline data, cumulative program targets, etc.
USAID/Vietnam provide specific guidance to its PEPFAR-supported implementers on how it wants them to coordinate their efforts and which implementing organization shall take the lead in critical program areas
USAID/Vietnam conduct a data quality assessment of the information being reported in the program's monitoring and evaluation plan once it is approved.
USAID/Vietnam, through its contracting officer, either ratify the elimination of activities to prevent mother-to-child transmission of HIV, or disallow the change in the program's scope. If the change in scope is ratified, the contract should be modified; if disallowed, the contracting officer should determine the appropriate corrective action to be taken.
USAID/Vietnam assess the program's current intervention for sex workers who inject drugs to determine whether there is a more efficient way to reach this group. If not, the mission should decide whether it wishes to continue the program's efforts, or incorporate Break the Cycle outreach for sex workers who inject drugs into the outreach of other PEPFAR implementers already targeting sex workers.
USAID/Vietnam direct the contractor to provide guidance to outreach workers on reporting accurate information on condom failure rates, and incorporate accurate information on condom failure rates into future training.
USAID/Vietnam direct the contractor to incorporate regular monitoring and reporting on the condition of condoms stocked in nontraditional outlets, to help ensure the quality of these condoms.
USAID/Vietnam select a sample of the nontraditional outlets in An Giang Province to test for condom quality.
USAID/Vietnam clearly communicate the need to implement the unique identifier code to those implementing the pilot program in Hai Phong Province.
USAID/Vietnam clarify to all PEPFAR implementers its expectation of how and when PEPFAR-supported voluntary counseling and testing sites are to be branded with the Chan Troi Moi logo.