Audit of USAID/Mali's Malaria Program
USAID/Mali (1) review its indicators closely to
ensure that the indicator definition and wording are consistent, (2) establish and update targets for each indicator, and (3) report its results accurately based on the correct reporting period in the mission's performance plan and report, the President's Malaria Initiative annual report, and the performance management plan.
USAID/Mali develop and implement a plan to reinforce the skills of the staff at health-care facilities to enable them to maintain accurate inventory records and manage stock properly.
USAID/Mali develop and implement standard procedures for net distribution and receipt, and verify that the procedures are applied uniformly at all health facilities.
USAID/Mali develop and implement a plan with Research Triangle Institute to ensure that beneficiaries are aware that indoor residual spraying is provided by the American people.
USAID/Mali's health team include other performance indicators in the performance management plan that measure the achievements of its malaria portfolio (in addition to those required by the President's Malaria Initiative).
USAID/Mali require CARE to report results on malaria-related indicators and targets included in the 2011 work plan.
USAID/Mali develop and implement a plan with Research Triangle Institute to record data accurately and minimize the possibility of human errors such as double counting.
USAID/Mali, in conjunction with Research Triangle Institute, establish and implement a plan to ensure that all spray operators are using a consistent definition of a structure when tallying results.
USAID/Mali, in conjunction with CARE, verify the malaria-related results in CARE's FY 2010 annual report.
USAID/Mali work closely with John Snow Inc. to (1) ensure that it has accurately recorded, reported, and filed all orders that have been
placed and (2) develop a plan to ensure that future discrepancies are avoided.
USAID/Mali complete required data quality assessments for all indicators reported in its annual performance plan and report.
USAID/Mali develop a procedure to document all site visits and require that visits include data quality testing and verification when possible.