Audit of USAID's Food Assistance Under The Multiyear Assistance Program in Niger
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with the cooperating sponsors in Niger to develop and implement procedures for verifying reported data with source documentation, documenting key assumptions and calculations, and maintaining documentation to support results and other data reported to USAID.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace, in conjunction with its cooperating sponsors, formulate clear
definitions for selected indicators, and train staff to ensure that consistent terminology is used in gathering and reporting data.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace perform a data quality assessment of its programs in Niger to
ensure compliance with USAID guidelines, and document results of the assessment.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with all
cooperating sponsors to develop and implement adequate internal controls over per diem payments.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to develop and implement a plan to ensure that food commodities are timely available by calling forward commodities at the appropriate time and when needed.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to develop and implement a plan to ensure that food commodities are timely available by establishing a contingency plan for distributing food commodities to beneficiaries when warehouses are being fumigated or may not be available for extended periods.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to develop a plan to provide
food to participants in its food commodity distribution backlog.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to develop an action plan that advises and encourages the community members to establish adequate management and financial
internal controls and oversight over cereal banks and community stores and community members and
cooperating sponsor staff to establish adequate management and financial internal controls and oversight over community and regional warehouses.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to review the inventory and
financial records of selected cereal banks and community stores to determine the correct inventory.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace, in conjunction with the cooperating sponsors, reevaluate and
establish realistic and achievable targets for the Food for Peace program indicators.
USAID's Office of Food for Peace work with cooperating sponsors to reevaluate their
performance management plan indicators, determine the important indicators to track, eliminate the less significant indicators, and document the