Audit of USAID/Benin's Implementation of the President's Malaria Initiative
USAID/Benin, in conjunction with Research Triangle Institute, identify alternative ways in which spray operators can tally results.
USAID/Benin, in conjunction with its partners, develop and implement a uniform system for documenting and communicating cases of missing or diverted bed nets.
USAID/Benin work with the Ministry of Health to develop a strategy for reinstating the Abomey regional hospital into the artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) treatments distribution network.
USAID/Benin's health team update its performance management plan to include important malaria indicators.
USAID/Benin update its agreements, work plans, and other documents with its implementing partners to require reporting on relevant malaria indicators and other performance measures.
USAID/Benin, in consultation with Research Triangle Institute, formulate clear definitions of terms and implement internal controls to ensure that consistent terminology is used in gathering and reporting data on indoor residual spraying with insecticide.
USAID/Benin develop and implement procedures to validate insecticide-spraying data periodically through spot checks.
USAID/Benin, through the Ministry of Health, strengthen controls to ensure that facilities' drug inventories and drug consumption are verified before drug requests are approved and delivered and mechanisms are in place to track drugs that are out of stock or will be out of stock to ensure timely replacement.
USAID/Benin, through the Ministry of Health, take the appropriate steps to strengthen controls to ensure the proper storage of antimalarial drugs at all facilities.
USAID/Benin communicate to the Ministry of Health the need to implement a plan to destroy the expired drugs currently in storage, and implement and effectively communicate to all affected health facilities a procedure for storage, pickup, and destruction of expired drugs.
USAID/Benin require Research Triangle Institute to develop and implement procedures to improve inventory tracking processes, including training their logistics officers and warehouse managers on the best practices in inventory management.
USAID/Benin require Research Triangle Institute to collaborate with the Ministry of Health to ensure distribution of the 8,112 nets that are stored in Research Triangle Institute's warehouse to regions where the nets are known to be more effective in preventing malaria.
USAID/Benin's health team improve its monitoring of bed net distributions by increasing site visits to health facilities and bed net sales points, and developing a site visit template that specifically identifies areas to review during visits.