Follow-Up Audit of Selected USAID/Lebanon's Democracy and Governance Activities
USAID/Lebanon develop and implement a plan to communicate results of recommendations from audits, assessments, and reviews to its implementers in a timely manner.
USAID/Lebanon develop and implement procedures with the agreement officer's technical representative at the beginning of each program activity to establish methodologies and sampling
techniques to conduct appropriate data verification of information provided by the implementing partners in accordance with the terms and conditions of the program activity.
USAID/Lebanon create a centralized program filing system that includes the first or original agreement, subsequent agreements and modifications, and other identified agreement documents necessary for management review.
USAID/Lebanon's agreement officer's technical representatives, in conjunction with the agreement officer, develop and implement a written plan to ensure that agreements are modified to include relevant provisions, such as the intellectual property rights clause, as
appropriate over the life of the award.
USAID/Lebanon develop and implement a plan to document the review of program activities and communicate potential sustainability or vulnerability problems to the agreement officer
USAID/Lebanon document procedures to develop, maintain, and communicate explicit system requirements, protocols, and procedures to maintain information technology in an appropriate
activity approval document and in the subsequent solicitations and awards.
USAID/Lebanon, in coordination with the agreement officer, develop and implement a plan that requires capitalization of programs with information technology components during the asset's development phase.
USAID/Lebanon conduct an audit of locally incurred cost for software programs developed under the Assistance to Sustain Local Democratic Practices in Lebanon program to determine finite
values for the programs.
USAID/Lebanon develop a schedule for the implementer to submit to the mission a complete list of USAID-funded equipment with a program description and assigned values.
USAID/Lebanon develop and implement a procedure to perform end-use checks as part of its routine site visits and retain documentation of the equipment reviewed.