Audit of USAID's Controls Over the Use of Premium-Class Travel
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, prepare a written checklist for its travel assistants to confirm that travel authorization packages for premium travel are reviewed under the same standards. The checklist should, at a minimum, include determining whether:
Based on the final itinerary, the flight meets all requirements, as applicable, for the 14hour rule or as recommend by the Office of Civil Rights and Diversity.
Trips categorized as "Travel in excess of 14 hours TDY" provide an adequate justification for not taking a rest stop in lieu of traveling premium class and confirming that the traveler does not take a rest stop.
The business-class certification form is completed, has the supervisor's signature for approval, and is uploaded into E2.
Trips in the "No space available in coach air accommodations" exception include documentation to show that the airline carrier did not have coach accommodations and that travel at that time was critical.
Trips include documentation to show that busi
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, make a written determination whether the premium-class travel costs for trip number 5709101-3 are allowable, and recover any amount that is not allowable.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, make a written determination whether the premium-class travel costs for trip number 6412021 are allowable, and recover any amount that is not allowable.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, make a written determination whether the premium-class travel costs for trip number 6228535-1 are allowable, and recover any amount that is not allowable.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, make a written determination whether the premium-class travel costs for trip number 5671134-3 are allowable, and recover any amount that is not allowable.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, include in the Automated Directives System an explicit list of documents required for travel vouchers so the Agency can fully validate whether charges for airfare are accurate. At a minimum, that list must require supporting documentation for the cost of all issued airfare tickets.
USAID's cognizant contracting officer for contract no. AID-OAA-M-11-00006 work with the contracting officer's representative and the Cash Management and Payments Division staff to develop and include in the contract with Duluth Travel Inc. a clear description of the data that should be presented in the monthly reconciliation report of the centrally billed account.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, develop and implement a written process for reviewing each centralized Citibank travel card airfare expense to supporting documentation for the issued ticket before approving the payment. That process should include requirements for supporting documentation to prevent questioned costs.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, implement a written process for reviewing agent fees before approving payment in accordance with the Federal Managers' Financial Integrity Act of 1982. This process could include a monetary threshold for reviewing details of the agent fees, as necessary.
USAID's Chief Financial Officer, in coordination with the Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, include an explicit requirement in the Automated Directives System for travelers to document and report all requests for the travel management center to issue airfare tickets. The requirement must include:
Justification of all issued tickets requested.
A limit to the number of times a traveler can do the following without a supervisor's approval: make changes to issued tickets that result in agent fees, and use after-hour and weekend travel management center services.
Consequences for not following the Agency's agent fee requirements.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, in coordination with the Chief Financial Officer, provide training to all USAID staff regarding traveler actions that result in agent fees to the Agency, traveler's responsibilities, and all applicable related policies.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, provide training to its travel assistants to use the checklist so travel authorization packages are reviewed using the same standards.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, obtain approval from the Information Records Division for the revised business-class certification form. At a minimum that form must be:
Marked as "sensitive but unclassified once filled in," in accordance with ADS 505.
A fillable form to allow travelers to complete the required information.
USAID's Chief, Office of Civil Rights and Diversity, update Automated Directives System 110, Equal Employment Opportunity, to reflect the current Agency policies and procedures. At a minimum, that must include:
Current policies and procedures for approving requests for reasonable accommodations.
An explanation of when approvals for reasonable accommodations expire for disabilities that are not permanent.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, update Automated Directives System 522 to reflect the current policies and procedures for
approving requests for premium-class travel based on disabilities.
USAID's Chief Information Officer conduct a written review of the U.S. General Services Administration's security package for the E2 system.
USAID's Chief Information Officer make a written determination whether the E2 system should be authorized for Agency operations.
USAID's Chief Information Officer update Automated Directives System 545, Information Systems Security, to clearly discuss the requirements for authorizing third-party systems for Agency operations.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, develop procedures and revise Standard Operating Procedures for USAID E2 HelpDesk to certify periodically-within an Agency-defined time frame-whether E2 accounts should remain active and disable unneeded accounts.
USAID's cognizant contracting officer remove the second paragraph from the C.12.2 section of contract no. AID-OAA-M-15-00001 with C. I. Travel Center.