Audit of USAID's Controls Over the Use of Premium-Class Travel
USAID's Chief, Office of Civil Rights and Diversity, update Automated Directives System 110, Equal Employment Opportunity, to reflect the current Agency policies and procedures. At a minimum, that must include:
Current policies and procedures for approving requests for reasonable accommodations.
An explanation of when approvals for reasonable accommodations expire for disabilities that are not permanent.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, update Automated Directives System 522 to reflect the current policies and procedures for
approving requests for premium-class travel based on disabilities.
USAID's Chief Information Officer conduct a written review of the U.S. General Services Administration's security package for the E2 system.
USAID's Chief Information Officer make a written determination whether the E2 system should be authorized for Agency operations.
USAID's Chief Information Officer update Automated Directives System 545, Information Systems Security, to clearly discuss the requirements for authorizing third-party systems for Agency operations.
USAID's Chief, Travel and Transportation Division, develop procedures and revise Standard Operating Procedures for USAID E2 HelpDesk to certify periodically-within an Agency-defined time frame-whether E2 accounts should remain active and disable unneeded accounts.
USAID's cognizant contracting officer remove the second paragraph from the C.12.2 section of contract no. AID-OAA-M-15-00001 with C. I. Travel Center.