Working in Politically Sensitive Countries With Limited Resources Stymied Monitoring and Evaluation Efforts of Selected Middle East Missions
USAID/Jordan implement a plan to make sure the evaluation point of contact's workload in the program office is adequate so all required evaluations are completed in a timely manner and reviewed for quality control.
USAID/Jordan implement and document a training and technical assistance plan to make sure key mission staff working on evaluations have received initial or refresher training on evaluation management and methods.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement a plan to make sure the staffing levels and workloads of program office employees, including the evaluation point of contact, are adequate so all required evaluations are completed in a timely manner and reviewed for quality control.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement and document a training and technical assistance plan to make sure key mission staff working on evaluations have received initial or refresher training on evaluation management and methods.
USAID/Egypt implement an action plan to make sure project design documents address the evaluation policy planning requirements.
USAID/Jordan complete and document its calculations of the average size of projects and include all required large projects in its inventory.
USAID/Jordan implement an action plan to make sure project design documents address the evaluation policy planning requirements.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza document its calculations of the average size of projects and include all required large projects in the mission's inventory and annual performance, plan, and report evaluation registry.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement an action plan to make sure project design documents address the evaluation policy planning requirements.
USAID/Egypt implement actions to make sure mission personnel complete a statement of work checklist or the equivalent before an evaluation is conducted.
USAID/Jordan implement actions to make sure mission personnel complete a statement of work checklist or the equivalent before an evaluation is conducted.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement actions to make sure mission personnel complete a statement of work checklist or the equivalent before an evaluation is conducted.
USAID/Egypt implement a comprehensive plan to make sure draft reports for evaluations meet USAID's standards and minimum documentation requirements, and that management or program actions to address recommendations are documented.
USAID/Jordan implement a comprehensive plan to make sure draft reports for evaluations meet USAID's standards and minimum documentation requirements, and that management or program actions to address recommendations are documented.
USAID/West Bank and Gaza implement a plan to document management or program actions to address recommendations and maintain documentation in a central location.